Pan-dems urged to ‘let it go’; Financial Committee circulates papers; Home of Australian CG burgled. Photo Credit: Chris Lusher
Politics (Gov’t & LegCo)
Carrie Lam urges Pan-dem lawmakers to ‘set aside the ideals’.
– During a meeting today in the LegCo to set up a committee on political reform, Carrie Lam urged Pan-dem lawmakers to “set aside the ideals and their democratic demands, consider Hong Kong’s big picture and long-term interest as their priority and abandon their vow to veto the package”
– DAB’s former party leader Tam Yiu-chung and pro-establishment Paul Tse were elected as the committee’s chairman and vice-chairman
– Financial Secretary John Tsang was spotted promoting the reform package in Central while Secretary for Education Eddie Ng and Secretary for Labour and Welfare Matthew Cheung went to Tai Wai
Budget Bill debates on poverty and elderly care services.
– The LegCo meeting on the Budget Bill have progressed to the third round of debates, focusing on policies for poverty alleviation and elderly care and will continue on next Wednesday
– Labour Party’s Lee Cheuk-yan, meanwhile, has submitted (in Chinese) a motion to the LegCo proposing an extending the number of days of statutory holiday from 12 days to 17 days
– Lee also said that the pro-democracy Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions will hold a march later today to protest against the Government’s inaction over standard working hours and universal pension scheme
Financial Committee approves, by circulating documents, the HKD50 million relief fund.
– The Financial Committee approved (in Chinese) a HKD50 million relief fund to Nepal through circulating documents to committee members
– Committee chairman Tommy Cheung from the Liberal Party said the precedent was adopted owing to ongoing filibuster in the LegCo general meeting and the long weekend ahead
FSDC on Chinese enterprises “going global” and Hong Kong’s response.
– The Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) released a report entitled “Chinese Enterprises ‘Going Global’: Opportunities and Hong Kong’s Policy Responses”
– Proposed measures included “expanding the double taxation agreement network”, “simplifying regulatory requirements for Mainland operations of Hong Kong’s commercial banks” and “attracting large-scale state-owned enterprises listing and operating in Hong Kong”
Australian consul general’s home intruded.
– Yet another high-profile burglary as an intruder broke into the home of Australian consul general, Paul Tighe, and stole jewellry and several thousands dollars in cash
– The Australian consulate stated that “Hong Kong police have responded to an unauthorised intrusion at the official residence of the consul-general of Australia. No one was injured during the incident”
– There were two burglaries in early April – both failed – attempting to break into Li Ka-shing’s fortress and the home of Indian consul general Prashant Agrawal
Politics (general)
– Tens of occupants of Tsuen Wan Wing Fung Industrial Building were occupying (in Chinese) the Buildings Department (BD) offices in Prince Edward as Police and the BD officers executed a closure order on two workplaces in the building which were turned into domestic-use
– Occupants said they are planning to stay in the BD headquarter until next Monday