While the French celebrated, well, being French, with Hong Kong, other diplomats took to the clouds to discuss hate speech globally and the plight of refugees in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong braces ‘Golden Week’ as Le French May 2016 kick-started
C’est temps pour Le French May encore! Le French May is a guarantee of excitement with two months of non-stop food, art and cultural thrillers. This year features concerts of Mozart’s and Chopin’s masterpieces, Hip Hop dance and ballet, over 20 art and photographic exhibitions with Monet’s paintings, as well as award-winning animated movies.
The launch ceremony was held in the weekend of May 1, with Julien-Loic Garin and Karena Lam, CEO and Ambassador of Le French May respectively, as well as Eric Berti, Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, enjoying French cuisine at PMQ, Central.
Bright HK engages concerned diplomats and expats on hate speech globally, in HK
Germán Muñoz-Diaz, convenor of Bright Hong Kong, welcomed a group of academics, business people, media mavens, economists and diplomats to hear from speakers on hate speech, globally and in Hong Kong. The discussion was lively and wide-ranging given the impressive breadth of experience in the room.
Top european diplomats with the likes of Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff, the German Consul General, and Vincent Piket, director of the EU commission in Hong Kong, were among those taking part in a lively conversation. Former chief economist of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce David O’Rear, who is now a resident in London, was also present at the event.
Keynote speakers included Jack A Goldstone, The Richard Elman Family Professor of Public Policy at HKUST, and a Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington DC, and John P Burns, Dean of Social Sciences and Chair Professor of Politics and Public Administration at The University of Hong Kong (and full Chinese citizen by paperwork, ‘citizen of the world’ in spirit).