Rául Godoy, Secretary of Ministry of Research, Innovation and Higher Education of Yucatán state, believes Hong Kong is the place for Mexican tech companies and researchers to broaden their exposure beyond Mexico.
Photo: Rául Godoy says Hong Kong is the place for Mexico’s outbound tech firms.
Yucatán has put Hong Kong ahead of Silicon Valley and Southampton (UK) in its drive to build high tech connections around the world.
Yucatán’s newly established Ministry of Research, Innovation and Higher Education last year signed agreements of collaboration with Hong Kong Science & Technology Park and Cyberport.
Mr Rául Godoy, Secretary of Ministry of Research, Innovation and Higher Education, is in Hong Kong to bring life to those agreements. The Mexican state, which also set up its research hub recently, is one of the fast-growing regions in terms of economic, scientific, business innovation. To help Mexico’s innovative corporations and to enter the global market, Godoy’s ministry picked Hong Kong as the first stepping stone in Asia-Pacific.
The geographical closeness with China’s burgeoning economy and the proliferation of venture capital in Hong Kong were among the reasons why his ministry picked Hong Kong, explains Godoy. A corresponding committee of his ministry will be set up this year to advance collaboration. Godoy revealed that Silicon Valley in US and Southampton in UK would be the coming collaboration partners if all goes according to plan.